Make whatsapp messages italic, bold, stricke through and monospace

Formatting your messages on whatsapp 

Make Whatsapp Messages Italic, Bold, Strickethrough and Monospace 

Whatsapp is one of the most popular chatting apps and today I tell you about whatsapp tricks that you can formatting your messages on whatsapp. Make different your text using this tricks so read this article till end. 

1) make your message italic 

To italicize your message, put underscore on both sides of the text. 
Write like: _text_

2) make your message bold 

To bold your message,put asterisk on both sides of the text. 
Write like: *text*

3) make your message strike through 

To strikethrough your message, put tilde on both sides of the text. 
Write like: ~text~

4) make your message monospace

To monospace your message, put three backticks on both sides of the text. 
Write like: ```text```

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